
Gezim: Automating job offers production

Gezim chose Thinkeo for its affordability and seamless integration to improve job posting quality. They appreciated the professional support and ease of customization. Gezim recommends Thinkeo as it saves recruiters time and focuses on important tasks. This interview has been made with Delphine Le Dû Zinck, Project Manager at Gezim.
Publié le
March 29, 2024
Gezim: Automating job offers production

What problem does Thinkeo address for Gézim ?

Gézim focuses on improving the quality of job offer writing, particularly spelling and syntax. It is a job posting writing assistance tool that supports and assists recruiters. Its goal is to save them time and provide a high-quality result in record time.

Why Thinkeo and not another solution?

Thinkeo was chosen because other solutions were more expensive and less effective. The deciding factor was its easy app integration into our tool.

Are there any specific features of our product/service that you particularly liked?

The integration into the system and the ease of customization were greatly appreciated. An argument that will appeal to many companies: no technical team was needed to deploy the product!

How did you find our support, and why?

The support was professional and human. An important point is the testing phase, which helps create ambassadors who promote user adoption. Also, the support with a real human behind it was very smooth during deployment and highly responsive.

Benefits observed?

We save a lot of time of course. Also some agencies have noticed an increase in responses to job postings, although this is difficult to measure.

How do you see our product/service evolving to meet your future needs?

There is a need for content that requires less editing. Learning from the AI as it interacts with users and users learning to communicate better with it are important aspects for the future.

Would you recommend thinkeo to other companies or colleagues? Why?

Yes, for the same reasons mentioned above. Thinkeo is a real asset in the daily life of recruiters. It is a facilitator that allows them to focus on more important tasks. Saving time for recruiters: the challenge has been met!

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